Many aficionados and enthusiastic consumers will remember that one of the great old vintages from Rioja was 1982. One for the more famous was Marques de Caceres. This particular wine and vintage is as scarce as the proverbial Rocking Horse ****! But Faustino still manages to produce this vintage although I have had this bottle for the best part of 20 years. Apparently and I am sure I will be corrected by any of my wine colleagues, that providing you have some 1982 in barrel you can add different vintages and more modern production each year which allows you to call the wine 1982 vintage: Which is why Faustino sells this bygone ‘mythical’ vintage today!
Needless to say the cork broke when opening as it was very dry at the top but moist at the bottom. It was decanted and filtered. It was tawny brown, had lost a lot of it’s ‘nose’ but still drank relatively well, although somewhat tired.