I suppose it’s an attitude problem! I have to admit I have been known on an early flight getting me to the airport at 10.30 to have, on occasions, a G&T (having been up at 6.00 a.m.) but have never abused the 24 hour drink system. Not that I recall many minor airports offering that service. But the UK government’s intention of closing airport bars to restrict opening hours does affect the normal person that wants a ‘steadier’ before taking off!
This has occurred because of a consultation launched into the extension of licensing laws to pubs, bars, restaurants, lounges and shops located beyond the security gates of international airports in England and Wales in a bid to combat the problem of drunk and disruptive passengers. That’s because the premises beyond those security gates are exempt from licensing restrictions.
I understand that some people cause a problem from excess drinking some of which is caused by ‘duty free’ drinking when on board — a practice that is not permitted but still goes on! However, this almost smells of a class war, as passengers in business and first-class lounges drink as much as they like at any time of day – why crack down on the venues where economy class passengers pay to enjoy a drink or two?
It’s like they say about guns. It’s not guns that kill people it’s the idiots that have them. Gin doesn’t make people drunk — just the excess of consumption by those with no measure!