
I do not mean to sound condescending by calling it that, it should be called ‘busy person’s paté’. Doesn’t have quite the same ring, does it? It’s just quick and easy to do.




15 mins

Prep. time:

10 mins




Packet of chicken livers approx. 500 gms
Med sized onion
4 cloves of garlic
a chicken stock cube
ground black pepper
4 bay leaves
half a glass of red wine (you know what to do with the other half)
Slug of brandy

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Remove the gristle and fat from the chicken livers and discard the heart, kidney etc.
Wash gently and put aside to drain.

Step 3

When the liver mix is tepid, remove the bay leaves and blend finely with a stick blender until smooth. Place in a pot or container and cover. Serve with hot toast and side of gherkins and cherry tomatoes

Step 2

In a pan put a knob of butter and some olive oil. Add the finely chopped onion and garlic. gently sauté until opaque. Season with a crumbled chicken cube and black pepper and bay leaves
Add the livers and sauté for three to four minutes.
When the pan is hot, pour in a shot of brandy and ignite. Add a half a glass of red wine (you know what to do with the other half) After five minutes remove from the pan and set aside. Reduce the liquid down until it has become syrupy. Add to the livers.

Step 4

This pate will keep in the fridge for four or five days. To make it richer you could had a little cream when blending the mix but this tends to lessen it’s fridge life.
Bon Appétit !